The Voice and The four Elements

Four individual ceremonies each focusing on one of the four elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire, in relation with the voice


Four ceremonies where you will immerse yourself into a deep exploration of your unique voice with inspiration and support from the spirit and individual characteristics of the four elements:

Earth, Air, Water and Fire

You can choose to join: one, two, three or all four ceremonies

Weaving the voice and the elements into four sacred ceremonies of deepened connection with nature and your authentic self-expression.

We have a responsibility to use our voice and live in deeper reverence with nature.

Not only for ourselves as humans and women, but also for all the human beings who don’t have the privilege of free speech and self-expression as well as for mother earth. It’s time we embody our true nature and express our unique voices. While we deepen our connection and relationship with nature, the one within and the one all around us.

It’s time to weave courage with the love for yourself, other humans and nature.

No more holding back, hesitating, letting fear or insecurity overrule loving choices, allowing boundaries to be crossed, hiding, choosing belonging over authenticity, playing small, not believing in your inherent worth, not honoring or feeling disconnected from your basic human needs and nature, or repressing your feelings or creative expression.

Instead leading with love and an open heart, sharing and showing your trueself, developing your confidence, setting healthy boundaries, choosing authenticity, believe in your worth and that your are important and what you have to share and say is important, honoring and connecting with your human needs and nature and expressing your feelings and creative expression.

Through this ceremony you will:

· Create a deeper awareness and connection with your body and Voice

· Create a deeper awareness and connection with the four elements of Nature

· Create a deeper awareness and connection with your truth and authentic expression

· Activate your voice and Open your throat chakra

· Create a deeper awareness and connection with your soul

· Create a deeper awareness and connection with your heart

· Learn about the voice and the four elements

· Develop your ability to express yourself more freely and authentically

· Develop daily rituals with the voice and the elements

· Meeting yourself, your voice and Nature with deeper reverence

Each Ceremony contains:

· Ceremony of 3 hours, with a focus on one of the four elements in relation with the voice.

· Written material for the element and ceremony in relation with the voice, with practises and rituals to do to develop and integrate your connection with the elements and your voice.

About your facilitator

I have been fascinated the voice my whole life and been through my own deep journey with my own voice through everything from different technical singing methods to vocal sound healing and voice therapy as well as shamanistic vocal rituals.

These last couple of years I have travelled around the world and developed a deeper reverence for nature through connection with the four Elements and I feel very inspired to weave the unique characteristics of the elements with all the vocal practises I have gathered throughout my life.

I am an educated Psychomotor Therapist, Singer, physical theater performer, Yoga teacher, Holistic Voice Therapist, Authentic Relating facilitator and Soulmentor.


“It was an amazing experience that made me surrender to my inner core, connecting to my body, my voice and vibration. The way Louise holds the space is very unique. I felt a tremendous peace and supportive energy at the gathering, where I was able to connecting to the deepest feeling of who I am, and from there explore and experience, how the simplest thing as my voice was healing my body, through movements and sound, creating space for new energy, confidence and strength. I was able to learn techniques that I’m now using in my daily life. I feel that my inner and my outspoken voice is now more in direct connection with what I truely want and my authentic self. Thank you for this truly amazing gathering!”

- Pernille

No previous experience with singing or ceremonies is necessary to participate

We gather at:

Yoga Vesterbro

Gammel Kongevej 5, gården th. 1610 Kbh. V

4 Ceremonies

EARTH - Saturday 15. february - 15:00 - 18:00

AIR - Saturday new date coming

FIRE - Saturday new date coming

WATER - Saturday new date coming

Price for one ceremony:

400 kr

*I don’t offer a refund, but you are welcome to give your spot to a friend

in case you cant make it as planned.

I am very excited to journey with you and your voice through the four elements

Love Louise